
Are you attempting to catch a large quantity of fishes to have dinner? If you do, the most important thing that you should to do is to learn how to cast huailin fishing net. Here we will show you some basic skills about how to cast fishing net.


1. First you have to connect the lead line over your left wrist and tie a loop at the end of the line, and pass the line into the loop to create a next loop. Put your left hand in the next loop and pull the line to clinch it around your wrist.


2. Hold the slider ring on the lead line which is at the middle of the net in the right hand and move it up going up to your left hand. The net will then elongate as the slider ring is moved along the lead line. When you are ready to lift the net from of the deck by the slider ring, the net must hang straight down with all the lead weights around the bottom skirt hanging at the same height in a clump, if the weights are not lynching evenly then you will have to unravel the string on the interior of the net before continuing. huailin fishing net manufacturer provide you with high quality fishing nets.

3. Hold a part of the bottom skirt, in between the weights, and put this part into your teeth. Next hold the skirt at a point, counter-clockwise, arms-length from the section in our teeth. Turn to your left at the waist to wind up and throw the net by twisting to the right and releasing all points at once and remember to let go with your teeth.

5. Place the slider ring into your left hand and hold the net about half of the way to the bottom with your right hand and pass the gathered net within your right hand to your left without letting go of the loop or the slider ring. If your left hand feels uncomfortable and full then you can hold the net just below the slider ring instead of on the ring itself. China fishing net manufacturer is the most trustworthy fishing net supplier in the world.

Although it is not hard to master the skill of cast a fishing net, you need practice more in order to catch more fishes.


    fishing net
    創作者 mollywhite 的頭像


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